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On Monday, August 28 at 13.oo, heavy equipment escorted by hundreds of police entered the southern farming area, displacing citizens from their land and causing damage to the land of citizens who reject the proposed Kulon Progo airport (New Yogyakarta Internasional Airport). Prior to this, there had been no notice of "evictions" or the operation of heavy equipment for the construction of the airport. At 14.00 the residents blocked the heavy equipment to operate but were outnumbered by police. The heavy equipment and apparatus protecting it continue to operate under the pretext that the land belongs to PAG (Pakualaman Ground). *

Tuesday, August 29, early morning residents and farmers began to confront heavy equipment.

*Feudal claim of land ownership and have been legitimized/legalized by the so called democratic state of Indonesia.

Senin 28 Agustus pukul 13.oo, alat berat yang dikawal ratusan aparat masuk ke arah selatan pertanian, menggusur lahan warga dan mengakibatkan kerusakan termasuk lahan para warga yang menolak pembangunan bandara Kulon Progo (NYIA). Sebelum ini sama sekali tidak ada pemberitahuan mengenai "penggusuran" dan beroperasinya alat berat untuk pembangunan bandara. Pada pukul 14.00 warga sempat menghalangi alat berat untuk beroperasi tapi kalah jumlah. Alat berat dan aparat yang melindunginya tetap melangsungkan operasinya dengan dalih bahwa tanah itu adalah milik PAG (Pakualaman Ground)

Selasa 29 Agustus, pagi hari warga dan petambak mulai menghadang alat berat.


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 Chronology/Kronologi (UPDATE ON RESISTANCE AGAINST New Yogyakarta Internasional Airport)  29-8-2017 From 08.00 this morning, Communities who joined in refusal (PWPP or Community Against Eviction -  Kulon Progo) of the new airport development began gathering near heavy equipment located on the border of Glagah-Palian in order to block the equipment that will destroy the coastal areas. Fish farmers also participated to confront the heavy equipment that will destroy their ponds. At around 10.00am, approximately 500 police moved the people who were occupying the heavy equipment. The community was forced to retreat. The eviction and destruction of community land with heavy machinery continued from 11.ooam. ps: To all India comrades, we urge you to make international solidarity against New Yogyakarta International Airport that are funded by India corporation Warga yang tergabung dalam penola...


Received on 23.06.17: KULON PROGO’S MEGAPROJECT, NYIA, AND PEASANTs/COMMUNITY RESISTANCE 1: A banner-dropping action was held yesterday at 5 in the morning on the train bridge Kewek, Yogyakarta, near Malioboro (A tourist area). The banner was in solidarity with those resisting the construction of the airport in Kulon Progo. For years the peasants have been resisting mining companies and other mega-projects including Bandara Temon (Temon Airport) or what is well known as NYIA (NEW YOGYAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. More detailed information soon in english and a call for international solidarity against New Yogyakarta International Airport! The banner reads as: “Construction of Kulon Progo Airport equals environmental destruction and the eviction of peasants community. #YOGYAKARTA IS SPECIAL! Solidarity! links: FB: Jogja Darurat Agraria