Chronology/Kronologi (UPDATE ON RESISTANCE AGAINST New Yogyakarta Internasional Airport)
From 08.00 this morning, Communities who joined in refusal (PWPP or Community Against Eviction - Kulon Progo) of the new airport development began gathering near heavy equipment located on the border of Glagah-Palian in order to block the equipment that will destroy the coastal areas. Fish farmers also participated to confront the heavy equipment that will destroy their ponds. At around 10.00am, approximately 500 police moved the people who were occupying the heavy equipment. The community was forced to retreat. The eviction and destruction of community land with heavy machinery continued from 11.ooam.
ps: To all India comrades, we urge you to make international solidarity against New Yogyakarta International Airport that are funded by India corporation
Warga yang tergabung dalam penolakan bandara PWPP Kulon Progo dari Jam 08.00 mulai berkumpul di dekat alat berat yang terletak di perbatasan glagah-palian,untuk menghadang alat berat yang akan mengeksekusi lahan pesisir, warga petambak pun ikut untuk menghadang alat berat yang akan mengeksekusi tambak-tambak mereka. Sekitar jam 10,00 WIB aparat kepolisan kurang lebih 500 personil datang dan menghalau warga yg menduduki alat berat dan warga pun dipaksa mundur. Esekusi pun berjalan sekitar pukul 11.00.

From 08.00 this morning, Communities who joined in refusal (PWPP or Community Against Eviction - Kulon Progo) of the new airport development began gathering near heavy equipment located on the border of Glagah-Palian in order to block the equipment that will destroy the coastal areas. Fish farmers also participated to confront the heavy equipment that will destroy their ponds. At around 10.00am, approximately 500 police moved the people who were occupying the heavy equipment. The community was forced to retreat. The eviction and destruction of community land with heavy machinery continued from 11.ooam.
ps: To all India comrades, we urge you to make international solidarity against New Yogyakarta International Airport that are funded by India corporation
Warga yang tergabung dalam penolakan bandara PWPP Kulon Progo dari Jam 08.00 mulai berkumpul di dekat alat berat yang terletak di perbatasan glagah-palian,untuk menghadang alat berat yang akan mengeksekusi lahan pesisir, warga petambak pun ikut untuk menghadang alat berat yang akan mengeksekusi tambak-tambak mereka. Sekitar jam 10,00 WIB aparat kepolisan kurang lebih 500 personil datang dan menghalau warga yg menduduki alat berat dan warga pun dipaksa mundur. Esekusi pun berjalan sekitar pukul 11.00.

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